
Treatment plant at Termas de Río Hondo

Río Hondo

10,000 household connections allow up to 41,000 residents and 66,000 people during the tourist season to improve their quality of life at Termas de Río Hondo.

Over 220 km of pipes in addition to a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant  mean that the province of Santiago del Estero has 100% coverage of the sewerage network.

Termas de Rio Hondo, the first city in Argentina to achieve 100% coverage of its sewage and wastewater treatment network

24,000 m3
30,000 m3
1,600 m3
Structural concrete


Treatment plant for effluents and sewage collection network. Termas de Río Hondo, Provincia de Santiago del Estero


Unidad de Coordinación de Programas y Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo (UCP y PFE) dependiente del Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios


The project involved laying the main sewage collection network in the city of Termas de Río Hondo and building the effluent treatment plant located on the bank of the Rio Dulce 3.5 km from the city center towards the east.

The sewage collection network under construction replaces part of the existing collecting basins (constituting a set of unrelated subsystems) which discharge the raw effluent into Rio Dulce through natural and artificial rainwater channels and extends the network to new sectors which are currently lacking in any service.

The new networks converge at pumping stations which drive the liquid sewage to the treatment plant.

The network was designed in poly vinyl chloride (PVC) for intermediate diameters and GPR for larger diameters totaling over 140,000 m in pipelines.

The population benefiting from the works is 66,506 inhabitants with a design horizon to 2031.


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