San Luis
The project comprises building a drinking water treatment plant for the city of San Roque in the province of San Luis.
Drinking water for the town of San Roque.
San Roque water treatment plant, Province of San Luis.
Dirección Provincial del Agua, Gobierno de la Provincia de San Luis.
Construction of a water treatment plant with a design flow of 69 l/s (suitable for future extension to 138 l/s), laying the distribution network in the city of San Roque and a water main of 600 mm in diameter to the town of El Chorrillo.
The work included the design and construction of an adductor canal, the headworks, flume, flocculator, clarifier, quick filters, a tank of 2,000 m3, an elevated tank of 500 m3, electrical installation, pumping equipment, pipes and drains.
The works included the design and construction of an adductor canal, the intake, gauging, flocculator, decanter, rapid filters, a 2,000 m3 cistern, a 500 m3 elevated cistern, electrical installation, pumping equipment, piping and drainage.
The contract also included the construction of service, workshop and administration buildings (chlorination, laboratory, foremen, warehouse, workshop) and landscaping of the entire site.
The contract also included the construction of service buildings, workshops and administration (chlorination, laboratory managers, warehouse, workshop) and the landscaping around the property.