


The Liquid Sewage Treatment Plant in Gran Resistencia is the only one in the country with Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket technology (UASB). The benefit of this type of compact plant is that it requires between 6 to 1 times less surface compared with other technologies, has low power consumption operation and produces less sludge. Another feature is that it produces biogas without the need for ancillary works.

A project with great social impact that will benefit more than 450,000 people.

The Liquid Sewage Treatment Plant in Gran Resistencia is the only one in the country with Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket technology (UASB).

750,000 m3
Soil movement
Benefited population
390,261 m3
10,050 m3


Sewage Liquid Treatment Plant of the Greater Resistencia Metropolitan Area


U.C.P. and P.F.E. – Coordination Unit of Programs and Projects with External Financing of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services.


A treatment plant designed for an average expenditure of 102,000 m3/day until the end of the design period. For constructive purposes there are three treatment lines of 34,000 m3/day designed in modular fashion, thereby allowing future extensions to provide treatment lines or to modulate the construction of the plant. Also, ancillary works such as the access road are provided with the artworks including bridges and culverts, the development of a medium voltage line that will carry the power needed and the embankments making up the defense polder against flooding as the plant is located in an area threatened by overflow flooding from the Parana river. The work includes a dock built with prefabricated elements to support the pipe as it enters the Barranqueras river where it will discharge the treated liquid.



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